Dina ElKarimy


Dina El Karimy, born 1980 in Alexandria, is an artist living and working in Cairo, her work focuses almost exclusively on portraiture and studies of the human figure.

Fascinated by themes of anatomy and psychology, she attempts to paint from within to fix, understand and liberate her emotions, reflecting aspects that she believes connect us all together while still perceived in individual unique manners, El Karimy is concerned with understanding what makes us human and vulnerable.

With a bachelor degree in Architecture, working in architectural design and development for 12 years, this Egyptian painter’s study and practice enriched her artistic approach with attention to details, composition, and balance, employing a variety of materials to create multiple interpretations of her concept, the work progresses from studies and abstract ideas to emotionally charged paintings.


reflection - 25x35 cm - oil on lenin - 5000
Artist: Dina ElKarimy
Dimensions 35 × 25 cm

Abstract, Figure


Acrylic on canvas

lost - Acrylic on Canvas - 100x70 - 6000
Artist: Dina ElKarimy
Dimensions 70 × 100 cm

Abstract, Figure


Acrylic on canvas

Deena Elkareemy , flake , Acrylic and oil on canvas 50x70 , 10000
Artist: Dina ElKarimy
Dimensions 70 × 50 cm

Acrylic on canvas




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